
By Daniel

Spaatz Achievement Earned by Four Heartland Cadets!

Heartland’s tradition of excellence is demonstrated by a remarkable four Heartland cadets achieving the Spaatz award since our founding: C/Col Samuel Laird, Brechen Caruso, Donald Leonhardt, and Nathaniel Chaverin. Just 5 in 1000 CAP cadets achieve the Spaatz award, requiring an average five year effort, 16 formal level promotions, and final comprehensive leadership and aerospace exams, essay, and rigorous physical fitness test. Just 2300 cadets have earned the Spaatz since 1964. Congratulations to these and more upcoming Heartland cadets!

Heartland Cadets Take to the Sky

Half a dozen Heartland cadets recently flew in CAP gliders, learning first hand about the science of flight, aerodynamics, and experiencing what it’s like to soar. Experienced CAP pilots and flight operations personnel made this experience possible. Our CAP Cadets have also taken opportunities to train and fly in CAP powered aircraft.

Ottowa Family Fun Day

Heartland cadets served as Flightline Marshals for the Young Eagles Fly In in Ottowa, getting direct experience in flight operations. Heartland cadets were victorious as they even prevailed in the airplane-pull contest!

Wreaths Across America Honor Guard

A proud Heartland tradition is our strong annual support of the Wreaths Across America initiative. This year’s event at Leavenworth National Cemetery found Heartland providing an Honor Guard to honor our fallen veterans. Our cadets and senior members were deeply privileged to serve our veterans again this year.

National Cadet Special Activities

Heartland has a proud tradition of participating in National Cadet Special Activities: Our Cadets recently attended MARC: Model Aircraft & Remote-Control Academy, Johnson Flight Academy, Southeast Region Glider Academy, and the National Cadet Competition in Dayton OH. It is our tradition to serve annually at CAP’s National Blue Beret. Heartland Cadets have also completed Para-rescue Orientation Course, Glider Flight Academy, National Emergency Services Academy, Cadet Officer School, Aircraft Manufacturing & Maintenance Academy, and the International Air Cadet Exchange!

Fun & Flying

Heartland again served in force at the EAA Vintage Fly in this summer at Gardner Airport, with our cadets marshaling the 150 participating aircraft. Our Cadets also experienced Orientation Flights. A great event!

Award Recognition

Our annual Heartland Awards Banquet recognized our members for strong service to CAP and community. Heartland received the Air Force’s Organizational Excellence Award.

Cadet awards included: AFA Cadet Squadron Officer Award – C/2Lt Brock Weinstein, AFSA Squadron NCO Award – C/CMsgt Patricia Plum, VFW Officer Award – C/2Lt Zachary Alvarado, VFW NCO Award – C/CMsgt Mason Winters. Congratulations for these and the many other contributions of our members.

Heartland is Growing

Heartland Squadron continues to draw top teens from around the Kansas City region who are interested in developing leadership, make new friends, and benefit from all that the CAP Cadet Program has to offer! Students from 12 through 18 can promote, build aerospace knowledge, get to fly, and learn from countless experiences that build up their character and leadership ability. Check out Heartland!

Emergency Services Training

Heartland conducted our Emergency Services Training Bivouac with participants from three Squadrons. We completed training for ES tasks, certified Ground Team Members, enhanced squadron ES readiness, and fortified our teamwork. Outstanding day! Special thanks to Lt. Col Lahan, and Lt. Col. Shelton.

Celebration & Awards Night

Heartland celebrated a another amazing year represented by outstanding member acheivements. Cadet of the Year: C/Capt. Donald Leonhardt; Cadet Sr NCO: Zachery Alvarado; Cadet Jr. NCO: Zachery Janssen, Outstanding Sr. Member: 2nd Lt. David Craig. 5-year Service Awards: C/Lt. Col. Ben Chaverin, C/Capt. Donald Leonhardt.

Heartland Alumnus Returns from Air Force Academy

Heartland Alum, and Air Force Academy Cadet Jared Brown recently returned to our squadron and shared from his rich experiences. During an extended question and answer session, Jared shared many of the practical lessons he has learned from his training and experiences at the Air Force Academy. Included in his solid advice to Heartland’s cadets about how to succeed, were the admonitions to finish school, keep a clean record, and stay far away from drugs.

Heartland Recruiting & Growth

Our squadron continues our growth spurt in strength and size as more new cadets discover all Heartland has to offer. If you are a teen, 12-18 years old, check out how CAP can provide rich opportunies to build your life-resume. You can experience leadership training derived from the Air Force, develop your character, and get trained in aerospace, emergency services, and gain life experiences that will pay dividends for years to come. Check out Heartland Squadron!

Heartland Cadets Promote!

Heartland Squadron has a tradition of excellence with our Cadets excelling and promoting through the Cadet Program. Each promotion in the CAP Cadet Program requires completion of Leadership and Aerospace tests, Character Development, Physical Fitness tests, and time-in-grade. Heartland Cadets love to promote as they learn to serve and lead others.

Heartland SAC Museum Trip

Our Cadets and Seniors recently visited the Strategic Air Command Museum in Nebraska. An amazing time was had by all, experiencing Aerospace exhibits including the SR-71 Blackbird, B1 Lancer, B-17 & B-29 bombers, as well as missiles & rockets. More trips to come!

20160628_205326_resizedHeartland Awards Banquet

Congratulations to our 2016 Squadron Award winners! AFA Squadron Cadet Officer of the Year: C/Capt. Donald Leonhart. AFSASquadron Cadet NCO of the Year: C/MSgt. Serena Armenta. VFW Squadron Cadet Officer Award: C/Capt. Anthony Nowlin. VFW Squadron NCO Award: A.J. Naumann. Squadron Junior NCO: C/SMSgt. Zachary Alvarado. Aerospace Officer Award: Maj. Brad Combs.

Kansas Wing Conference Recognition20160528_194654_resized

Congratulations to our Heartland leaders! At the Wing Conference Major Pat Crockett was recognized with a coveted Meritorious Service Award, as well as Commander’s Commendation. Major Doug Crocket was recognized with a Commander’s Commendation. In addition, Cadet A.J. Naumann was recognized as the Kansas Wing NCO of the Year.

North Central Region & Kansas Cadet of the Year

20160628_195411_resized_1Heartland’s C/Lt. Col Ben Chaverin has been recognized as the 2016 NCR, and Kansas Cadet of the year. C/Lt. Col. Chaverin has served as Heartland Squadron’s Cadet Commander, has been recognized with AFA, AFSA, and VFW Cadet Awards, and has volunteered over 300 hours in his community annually. Cadet Chaverin presented Major Pat Crocket with the Torch Award, recognizing her for her outstanding mentoring support.

Heartland’s Rocketry Program Takes Off

20160329_192636_resizedHeartland has again completed CAP’s Rocketry Program with flying colors. An additional 13 Heartland Cadets have earned their CAP Rocketry Badge, completing three phases of rocketry activities that include three aerospace competency lessons and exams, six rocket builds, and multiple rocket launches. Thanks to Major Brad Combs for his outstanding leadership.

Heartland Change of CommandPhotoGrid_1463529410571_resized_2

Major Patricia Crockett passed on the squadron command after four years of accomplished service, and outstanding recognition as Squadron Commander. Maj Doug Crockett has now received command, after faithfully serving as Deputy Commander for Cadets. Cadet Commander Lt. Colonel Ben Chaverin passed cadet command to Cadet Captain Joel Nowlin.

Heartland Recognized: Quality Cadet Unit Award!

JRSP3560-3597880758-LHeartland has again been recognized with the prestigious CAP Quality Cadet Unit Award. Heartland excels at 10 objective squadron quality measurements demonstrating Cadet Program excellence: cadet advancement, squadron growth, adult leadership training, encampment participation, orientation flights, retention, aerospace excellence, etc. Heartland is grateful for this recognition, and will continue to work to improve our cadets’ growth and experiences.

Cadet Earns Eaker Award

Cadet Lt. Colonel Ben Chaverin has earned the esteemed EaBenChaverinCAPPhoto2016ker Award, completing 17 rigorous grade promotions–a level achieved by just 2% of CAP Cadets. Serving two years as Heartlands Cadet Commander, C/Lt. Col. Chaverin has also been recognized as the AFA Outstanding Squadron Cadet of the Year, VFW Officer of the Year, and AFSA NCO of the Year. C/Lt. Col. Chaverin maintains a 4.0 GPA, has volunteered over 300 hours per year in his community, and has earned his Black Belt in mixed Martial Arts.

Heartland’s Cyber-Patriot Team

Cyber4Our Heartland Squadron’s CybePatriot VIII Team is competing with teams across USA. CyberPatriot inspires students to seek careers in cyber-security, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Cadet competitors Donald, Ethan, Christopher, and Zachary resolved cyber security challenge excercises with the guidance of Senior Member mentor Lt. Dave Craig. The team achieved a score of 125 points, a great improvement over their previous efforts. Congratulations to our team!

Heartland Honors WWI VeteransIMG_0004

Our Heartland color guard presented the colors at the National WWI Memorial at the “Taps on the Tower” event. This moving tribute to our fallen service men and women was held at sunset, and included the presentation of colors, and the bugle call “taps. Heartland Squadron was honored to serve our community at this special ceremony. (Photo courtesy of the WWI Memorial)

Heartland Cadet Command

IMG_2101bHeartland Squadron has promoted our Cadet Commander–Cadet Major Ben Chaverin. Major Chaverin has served two years on Heartland’s staff, trained under veteran Spaatz and Eaker Officers, and is working through the Executive Phase of CAP’s Cadet Leadership Program. He has completed 14 of 17 Cadet Achievements. C/Maj. Chaverin leads our cadet staff, and serves as an Emergency Services Ground Team Member. He has also been awarded the AFSA Cadet NCO Award, and VFW NCO and VFW Cadet Officer of the Year Awards. Chaverin is also active in his community and sports, and has earned a Black Belt in martial arts.

Mitchell Award Winner

IMG_2123cCadet 2nd Lt. Donald Leonhardt has completed the milestone Mitchell Award presented by Kansas Wing Commander Col Rick Franz. Leonhardt’s accomplishment represents the completion of eight CAP Cadet Program achievements each requiring time-in-grade service, and successful completion of Aerospace Tests, Leadership Exams, Physical Tests, Character Development Classes, Leadership Essays and Speeches, and a State Encampment. Cadets achieving the Mitchell Award are eligible for advanced placement in the U.S. Air Force to the grade of E-3.

Kansas Squadron of the Year: Heartland Squadron

SquadronOfTheYear2014Heartland Squadron has received the Kansas Squadron of the Year Award by Wing Commander Col. Rick Franz and National Vice Commander Brig. Gen. Joseph R. Vazquez. This top award was gratefully accepted for by our  Squadron Commander Capt. Pat Crockett who has championed our efforts. Heartland has distinguished itself through high cadet achievement, squadron growth, emergency services qualifications, and strong community service. Heartland has also received two national “Quality Cadet Unit Awards.” Most proudly, our graduating cadets have gone on to remarkable achievements, including the Spaatz and Eaker awards, acceptance to the Air Force Academy, academic and military scholarships, and college honors programs.

Air Force Academy Cadet Visit

AcademyVisit2014Heartland Major Dan Chaverin and family visited two of our friends and squadron alumni, Jared Brown and Lawton Huffman at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Both are AFA Cadets studying to complete their Academy Programs and become Air Force Officers. They are working very hard in the Academy’s challenging academic environment, and learning a great deal. Heartland is very proud of these young men’s accomplishments, and continue to cheer their successes.

Heartland Cadet Accepted to U.S. Air Force Academy

JBC/Lt. Col. Jared Brown has been accepted to the United States Air Force Academy. C/Lt. Col. Brown has distinguished himself as a leader, serving as Heartland’s Cadet Commander, devoted to developing the cadets under his care. He has earned the Eaker Award; WFW Cadet of the Year; and completed the CAP National Para-rescue Course, National Cadet Officer School, and International Air Cadet Exchange. C/Lt. Col. Brown enters the Air Force Academy this summer, with plans to pursue a career as a United States Air Force Officer. Heartland salutes C/Lt. Col Browns significant achievements, and proudly sends him with our deep respect and best wishes.

PhotoGrid_1399157113431Heartland Hosts Emergency Services Bivouac

Heartland makes Emergency Services a priority, and as a CAP core mission, Search and Rescue is an important part or our training efforts and the value we bring to serving our community. Heartland included team members from nearby New Century and Lawrence squadrons to complete ES training for Ground Team qualifications. Training included real-life emergency simulations utilizing our skills, vehicles, radio network, and a search and rescue exercise with a CAP aircraft. An outstanding day!

BattonTeam2014Heartland Attends Bataan Death March Event

Four of our Heartland members successfully completed the grueling Baton Death March Commemorative course. The 26.2 mile course winds through the high desert terrain of Arizona’s White Sands Missile Base. Conquering this year’s 25th Anniversary course were Maj. Pat Wicker, C/Amn Michael Wicker, C/CMSgt Donald Leonhardt, and CNSgt Zackery Batliner. Heartland honors our vets, and their sacrifices for our country.


Heartland Team Awarded in CyberPatriot

Heartland’s CyberPatriot Team won Second place in the CyberPatriot Regional Competition–All Services Category. Team members Major Patrick Wicker, C/Amn Michael Wicker, C/CMsgt John Slattery, and C/SMSgt Jacob Asherman participated in the competition.  CyberPatriot is a national cyber defense competition created by the Air Force Association to inspire students toward careers in cybersecurity. Congratulations to our team.

20140311_201806_resized_1Heartland Spaatz Cadet Returns

Heartland Spaatz Cadet C/Col Nate Chaverin returned to Heartland during college break to encourage our cadets. C/Col Chaverin shared his experiences in the Baylor University Physics Program, and gave our cadets some pointers on how to succeed and achieve their goals. He encouraged them that integrity, hard work, desire for excellence will serve them will. Cadet Chaverin also shared his challenges and lessons learned in achieving the Carl A. Spaatz award, and encouraged all the cadets to aim high in CAP and in life.


Heartland Contributes to Kansas Winter Encampment

Heartland’s senior members were instrumental to the success of this year’s Kansas Winter Encampment. Our Deputy Commander Lt. Doug Crockett served as the Encampment Commander. Squadron Commander Captain Pat Crockett served as Medical Officer in Charge, and awarded Honors Senior and Commander’s Commendation. 2Lt John Davis Jr. was awarded Honor TAC Officer and Commander’s Commendation. Maj Patrick Wicker, serving as Senior TAC Officer received a Commander’s Commendation. Cadet/CMsgt Joel Nowlin was Delta Flight Honor Cadet. C/A1C was Charlie Flight Honor Cadet. Great job all!

IMG_0698bHeartland Cadet Leadership Changes Command

Heartland continues our tradition of remarkable depth in Cadet Officer leadership, placing high value on developing team leadership. Cadet 2nd Lt. Timothy Elliott has assumed Heartland Cadet Command, advancing in the cadet program and experience over several years of distinguished service. Heartland’s Deputy Commander is C/1Lt. Ben Chaverin. Cadet Lt. Col. Chaverin, and Cadet Majors Jared and Jacob Brown will continue to serve with Heartland’s Officer Staff to develop our outstanding upcoming Airmen and Officers. 


Heartland Wins Quality Cadet Unit Award

Heartland celebrated the achievements and promotions of many of our Cadets and Senior Members, and received CAPs Quality Cadet Unit Award presented by Kansas Wing Commander Col. Rick Franz. The Quality Cadet Unit Award measures 10 unit quality standards evaluating squadron quality: cadet advancement, squadron growth, adult leadership training, orientation flights, etc. Heartland is grateful for this recognition, and inspired to continue to work to make Heartland a great place to grow.


Cadet Promotion Challenge

Our cadets are working hard to achieve the CAP core value of Excellence by challenging each other to test more and promote. One of Heartland’s values is a culture that encourages and supports advancements and promotion in our cadet ranks. Heartland cadets have truly stepped up by taking and passing their tests, meeting all the requirements of their next level promotion agreements, and achieving their next grade promotion. We’re proud of all our cadets as they move up the cadet ranks. Well done!

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Heartland Leaders Recognized
Heartland’s Crockett family was recognized as Kansas Wing’s Family of the Year! Cadet Major Joe Crockett was also recognized as Kansas Wing Cadet of the Year for his strong contributions to squadron and Wing. Senior Member Doug Crockett was recognized with the Kansas Wing Torch Award as a sterling role model and mentor to his son Joe.


Heartland Tackles CAP National Special Activities

Heartland members have tackled many National Cadet Special Activities: Pararescue Orientation Course (C/Lt. Cols. Jacob & Jared Brown); National Blue Beret (Captains Patricia & Doug Crockett, C/Maj Joe Crockett, 2Lt. Timothy Elliott, C/CMsgt Alex Johnson); Glider Flight Academy (C/SMSgt. Slattery); National Emergency Services Academy (C/MSgt Donald Leonhardt); Cadet Officer School – HQ (C/Lt. Cols. Jacob & Jared Brown); Aircraft Manufacturing & Maintenance Academy (C/CMSgt Alex Johnson); International Air Cadet Exchange (C/Lt. Cols. Jacob & Jared Brown).

Physical Training (Small)

Join us!
If you’re a student 12-18 years old, come check out Heartland Squadron! We are growing, and looking for teens who want to learn about leadership, and serve our community together. You’ll learn from experienced Cadet Officers committed to investing in our newer cadets to help them succeed. Heartland’s cadet program is second to none, and we invite you to be part of our proud heritage.

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Emergency Services Training Bivouac

Heartland cadets and senior members conducted realistic Emergency Services training, including rescue, compass navigation, radio communications, Emergency Locator Transmitter direction finding, and real-life exercises to build our squadron’s capability to serve our community. Ground Team members were certified, and we had a great time! Special thanks to Kansas Wing Deputy Commander Col. Duane Filkins for serving as our I.C.

Heartland Cadets Attend Air Force Academy Summer Seminar

Cadets Lt. Col. Jacob and Jared Brown completed the elite Air Force Academy Summer Seminar. This demanding and informative session accepts only high caliber candidates for the Academy, providing participants challenging and rewarding examples of life as a Cadet, and a better understanding of what it takes to become an USAF Officer. Congratulations to the Browns for this significant achievement.


Spring Change of Command

Cadet Major Jared Brown has assumed command of the cadets of the Heartland Squadron from Cadet Major Jacob Brown. This most recent command rotation provides yet another highly qualified Heartland’s cadet the opportunity to develop practical leadership experience. Cadet Major Jared Brown has exemplified the CAP value of excellence through his outstanding leadership, swift promotion, CAP National Cadet Officer School, CAP National Para-Rescue School, and numerous CAP awards.


Heartland Cadet Leads KS Wing Encampment

Cadet Major Joe Crockett provided outstanding leaderships as the Cadet Commander for the 2012-13 Kansas Wing Winter Encampment. C/Major Crockett assembled and trained his Cadet Command Staff and led the Cadet team and the 185 cadets attending. The 2012 encampment was well planned, organized, and executed, and Cadet Major Crockett lead the way at the Wing level. Cadet Major Crockett also recently won the annual Air Force Academy Falcon Open Fencing Tournament, besting Academy cadets and winning the gold medal!

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New Year Change of Cadet Command

Maj. Jacob Brown accepted command of the Heartland Squadron from previous Cadet Commander Cadet Lt. Col. Sam Chaverin at our recent Change of Command ceremony. Cadet Maj. Jacob Brown brings outstanding qualifications as Heartland’s new Cadet Commander including completion of National Cadet Officer School, CAP National Para-Rescue School, and awards including the VFW Top Officer Achievement. C/Lt. Col. Chaverin served Heartland well over the past year and has been instrumental in the establishment and success of our Squadron, including squadron health and growth, cadet ES qualifications, unit Cadet Program progression, and Rocketry achievements.

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Milestone Achievements Reached

Two top Heartland Cadets–Cadet 2Lt. Ben Chaverin, and Cadet 2Lt. Timothy Elliott–have achieved the esteemed Mitchell Award, presented by Kansas Wing Commander Col Rick Franz. Their accomplishment represents the completion of eight CAP Cadet Program achievements each requiring time-in-grade service, and successful completion of Aerospace Tests, Leadership Exams, Physical Tests, Character Development Classes, Leadership Essays and Speeches, and a State Encampment. Cadets achieveing the Mitchell Award are eligible for advanced placement in the U.S. Air Force to the grade of E-3. Congratulations to these two fine cadet leaders for their achievements.

Military Hero Visits Heartland

Lt Colonel Norman E. Duquette USN, USAF (Retired) gave Heartland an inspirational Veteran’s Day experience. A decorated Air Force Pilot and Vietnam POW, Lt Colonel Duquette shared his extraordinary personal experiences, surviving being shot down, and as a prisoner of war. It was a unique and rare honor for Heartland to host and learn from this authentic war hero.

Heartland Squadron Serves at NASCAR Event

Serving at Kansas City’s largest spectator event of the year, Heartland members provided extra manpower. Our cadets conducted themselves professionally, proudly representing CAP and providing Heartland a great opportunity for recruiting. Our cadets also had the rare opportunity to access the pits and garage areas to ge

t a close up look at NASCAR drivers and cars. Heartland worked with top Kansas City police department leadership, and meet General Bradley S. Link, Kansas Air National Guard Commander. An amazing day! 

Cadets Launch Rocket Program

Heartland Squadron is hosting New Century cad
ets for a special month of Aerospace Education training. Our cadets are studying rocketry, aerodynamics, history, safety, and getting hands-on experience building and firing rockets. Cadets completing the program, which includes four written tests and rocket experiments, will earn the CAP rocket achievement and patch.

Heartland and New Century Squadrons Partner in Community

Heartland and New Century Squadrons put our best foot forward together at the 2012 Johnson County Settlers Day Parade. Cadets and Seniors from both squadrons joined forces to honor America and present CAP as a great place to serve. Cadet Officers lead our joint Honor Guard and cadet flights, and two CAP-marked vehicles carried recruiting materials and impressed parade watchers.

Brown Selected as Guard National Representative

From KS Air National Guard: Heartland’s C/Capt. Jared Brown is the Region VII representative for the National Guard Youth Program Guard Teen Panel representing youth nationwide for Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. “Jared’s selection to participate on this important team reflects his dedication to being a top leader in the Kansas National Guard Youth Program,” said Darcy L. Seitz. The Guard Teen Panel consists of family members of enlisted Air or Army National Guard. The mission of this panel is to connect, support and inspire Guard teens around the nation. Jared is the son of State Command Chief Master Sgt. James, and Cheryl Brown.

Heartland Leaders Serve at National Blue Beret Fly-in

Heartland Commander Captain Pat Crockett, Captain Doug Crockett, and Cadet Captain Joe Crockett represented Heartland Squadron proudly by serving 16 days at the National Blue Beret at Osk Kosch, Wisconsin. Civil Air Patrol provides thousands of man-hours of Emergency Services, aircraft marshaling and security, and crowd safety and control. Captain Pat Crockett served as a Medical Officer; Captain Doug Crockett as a TAC Officer, and Cadet/Captain Joe Crockett as a Delta Flight Basic.

Cadet Earns Mitchell Award

Cadet Jacob Harms is the latest Heartland Cadet to earn the milestone Mitchell Award. Cadet Harms has distinguished himself serving as Heartland’s First Sergeant, and as an AFSA Squadron Cadet NCO of the Year award winner. The Mitchell Award is a credential recognized by all branches of the Armed Forces providing level upgrades upon enlistment.

Heartland’s Cadets Lead KS Wing Conference

Heartland’s cadets led the way at the 2012 KS Wing Conference in Salina, KS. Serving as Cadet Commander for the event was C/LtCol. Sam Chaverin, strongly supported by C/Col Nate Chaverin, C/1Lt Jacob Brown, C/1Lt Jared Brown, C/1 Lt. Joe Crockett (the upcoming 2012 Wing Encampment Commander), C/CMSgt Jacob Harms, and C/MSgts. Timothy and Eli Elliot. These Heartland leaders guided and directed the 70 Cadets from across Kansas through activities such as the Cadet Olympics (planned and implemented by our own Lt. Doug Crocket), meals, barracks organization, and conference events. Our cadets did a terrific job, representing Heartland proudly.

Commander’s Commendations for Heartland Senior Leaders

Congratulations to our Squadron Commander Capt. Pat Crockett and Cadet Program’s Officer Lt. Doug Crockett for achieving Commander’s Commendations from our outgoing Wing Commander, Col. Regina Aye and CAP National Commander, General Charles Carr. The Crocketts have contributed to both Heartland’s success, and to Kansas Wing programs. Well done!

Heartland Cadet Kansas & NCR Region Cadet Of The Year

Cadet Colonel Nate Chaverin (left) was awarded the Kansas Cadet of the Year, and subsequently North Central Region Cadet of the Year, by CAP National Commander General Chuck Carr and Colonel Regina Aye at the 2012 KS Wing Conference. Cadet Chaverin has achieved the Spaatz Award and has served his community diligently as Heartland’s Cadet Commander. Chaverin is also a National Merit Scholar Finalist, earned a CAP National Academic Scholarship, and has been recognized with AFA, AFSA, and VFW awards for his CAP service. He has been accepted with scholarships to the Baylor University Honors College. Speaking at the Wing Banquet, C/Colonel Chaverin expressed his gratitude, and presented a CAP Torch Award to his mentor and dad, Capt. Dan Chaverin.

2012 Squadron Awards

Our top cadets have once again distinguished themselves with awards for their service to their community, state, and nation–receiving their awards from National Commander General Chuck Carr. Achieving the Air Force Association Squadron Cadet of The Year is C/Lt. Col Sam Chaverin. The Air Force Sergeant’s Association Squadron Cadet NCO of The Year is C/CMSgt. Jacob Harms. The VFW Outstanding Cadet Officers were C/1Lt Jacob Brown, and C/1 Lt Jared Brown. The VFW Outstanding NCO was C/MSgt Ben Chaverin. Congratulations to these outstanding Cadets!

Heartland’s Historic Change of Command

Heartland Cadet Command has been conferred to Cadet Lt. Colonel Sam Chaverin by Cadet Colonel Nate Chaverin in a formal Change of Command ceremony on May 15th. Heartland members honored our outgoing Commander, and welcomed our new Cadet Commander. Heartland is growing under outstanding Cadet leadership, with new cadets joining weekly. Our Cadet Staff is dedicated to encouraging and helping our airmen and NCO cadets to progress through the CAP Cadet Program, and build skills for life. Congratulations to Cadet Lt. Colonel Chaverin as he leads and serves our amazing Cadet team.

Promotion Fever Sweeps the Heartland

Heartland Cadets have caught promotion fever this spring by demonstrating our core value of Excellence. Numerous cadets have achieved promotions in the past weeks, including C/Amn Jacob Asherman, C/Amn Brittany Baumli, C/MSgt Ben Chaverin, C/Amn Caleb Clark, C/1stLt Joe Crockett (sustained), C/SSgt Alex Johnson, and C/SSgt John Slattery. These cadets represent the best of Civil Air Patrol, and are the reason why Heartland is such a uniquely outstanding squadron.

Cadets Earn Mitchell Award – Become Cadet Officers

Cadets Jacob and Jared Brown have completed a challenging and important milestone in the CAP Cadet Program–the Mitchell Award. Both Cadets have now earned ten grade promotions, and serve on Heartland’s Cadet Officer Staff as Cadet 1st Lieutenants. The CAP Mitchell Award is a significant achievement recognized by the US armed forces–with the Air Force providing grade upgrades to those enlisting.

Cadets Get Hand-on Training

Our Cadets earn the privilege of wearing the Air Force uniform by upholding CAP values, advancing in the Cadet Program, and serving our community. Professionalism requires hard work, and Heartland Cadets are building their knowledge and life experiences by taking advantage of outstanding CAP and Air Force training. Our cadets contribute to Heartland’s readiness by completing Op Security, Safety, Equal Opportunity, and Flight-line Marshaling training.

Spaatz Award Achieved by Heartland Cadet Commander

HEARTLAND SQUADRON Cadet Nate Chaverin has completed all the requirements for the coveted Spaatz Award, earning the grade of Cadet Colonel. The Spaatz is CAP’s top cadet achievement, representing four years of effort, 18 grade promotions, and a comprehensive Spaatz test with Aerospace History and Leadership tests, Character Development essay, and a rigorous Physical Training test. The final tests were administered by USAF Lt. Col. Almeida at Whiteman Air Force Base.

The Spaatz Award is achieved by less than one half of 1% of CAP cadets nationwide–Cadet Colonel Chaverin is just the 1818th cadet since 1964 to achieve this honor. Chaverin thanks all those who have contributed to his efforts in CAP, and he continues to support Heartland Squadron.

Cadets Complete Grueling CAP National Para-Rescue School

Heartland Cadets Jacob Brown and Jared Brown have completed the rigorous CAP Para-rescue Orientation Course. This grueling week-long outdoor training includes land navigation, survival techniques, rock climbing, rappelling, and other skills used in rescue operations from para rescue specialists. This CAP national activity includes high-adventure challenges that promote physical fitness and character building. Congratulations to Cadets Jacob and Jared Brown for this significant accomplishment.

Cadets Complete Kansas City Junior Police Academy

Heartland’s Cadets have successfully completed the Kansas City Junior Police Academy. Sponsored by our Deputy Commander Jim Brown (KCPD’s Assistant Chief), the comprehensive month-long academy provided our Cadets access to top leadership in the KC Police Department, a better understanding of policing of our community, and demonstrations from the Bomb Squad, SWAT, K9 Unit, Traffic, and community policing. We are grateful to the KCPD for rolling out the red carpet to our squadron, and we consider them our close partners in serving our Kansas City community. Thanks as well to KCKPD for sponsoring us to utilize their state of the art meeting facility.

Heartland Cadet Achieves Eaker Award

Cadet Lt. Colonel Sam Chaverin has achieved the esteemed Eaker Award—CAP’s second highest Cadet award. This achievement reflects almost 4 years of effort completing 17 cadet level promotions. Cadet Chaverin serves as Heartland’s Cadet Commander, is a ES Ground Team Member, and has been recognized by the VFW with  Cadet Officer and NCO of the Year Awards.

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